Topics=Benefit Feedback forums on Koolkrazy
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 25381 [forumid] => 25381 [1] => 25380 [forumparentid] => 25380 [2] => 1510 [id] => 1510 [3] => Album Corrections [forumname] => Album Corrections [4] => 1 [forumdisplayorder] => 1 [5] => Find some thing that is not correct in Benefit album name, album song list or any thing else related to the albums? Let us know and we will fix that immediately! [forumdescription] => Find some thing that is not correct in Benefit album name, album song list or any thing else related to the albums? Let us know and we will fix that immediately! [6] => 0 [forumtotaltopics] => 0 [7] => 0 [forumtotalreplies] => 0 [8] => ARTIST [forumtype] => ARTIST [9] => ACTIVE [status] => ACTIVE [forumurl] => /forums/artist/Benefit/Feedback/Album-Corrections.html [encodedforumname] => Album Corrections ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 25382 [forumid] => 25382 [1] => 25380 [forumparentid] => 25380 [2] => 1510 [id] => 1510 [3] => Song Corrections [forumname] => Song Corrections [4] => 2 [forumdisplayorder] => 2 [5] => Feel that there is some thing wrong in Benefit song lyrics or song names? Let us know! [forumdescription] => Feel that there is some thing wrong in Benefit song lyrics or song names? Let us know! [6] => 0 [forumtotaltopics] => 0 [7] => 0 [forumtotalreplies] => 0 [8] => ARTIST [forumtype] => ARTIST [9] => ACTIVE [status] => ACTIVE [forumurl] => /forums/artist/Benefit/Feedback/Song-Corrections.html [encodedforumname] => Song Corrections ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 25383 [forumid] => 25383 [1] => 25380 [forumparentid] => 25380 [2] => 1510 [id] => 1510 [3] => Announcements [forumname] => Announcements [4] => 6 [forumdisplayorder] => 6 [5] => All Announcements Regarding Benefit will be posted here! [forumdescription] => All Announcements Regarding Benefit will be posted here! [6] => 0 [forumtotaltopics] => 0 [7] => 0 [forumtotalreplies] => 0 [8] => ARTIST [forumtype] => ARTIST [9] => ACTIVE [status] => ACTIVE [forumurl] => /forums/artist/Benefit/Feedback/Announcements.html [encodedforumname] => Announcements ) )

Feedback Forum Topics

Feedback Discussion Topics

Last Post
Album Corrections
Find some thing that is not correct in Benefit album name, album song list or any thing else related to the albums? Let us know and we will fix that immediately!
Song Corrections
Feel that there is some thing wrong in Benefit song lyrics or song names? Let us know!
All Announcements Regarding Benefit will be posted here!

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