[0] => Array
[0] => 65706
[forumid] => 65706
[1] => 65705
[forumparentid] => 65705
[2] => 119
[id] => 119
[3] => Show Corrections
[forumname] => Show Corrections
[4] => 1
[forumdisplayorder] => 1
[5] => Find some thing that is not correct in Once Upon a Time synopsis or any thing else related to the the show? Let us know and we will fix that immediately!
[forumdescription] => Find some thing that is not correct in Once Upon a Time synopsis or any thing else related to the the show? Let us know and we will fix that immediately!
[6] => 0
[forumtotaltopics] => 0
[7] => 0
[forumtotalreplies] => 0
[8] => SHOW
[forumtype] => SHOW
[9] => ACTIVE
[status] => ACTIVE
[forumurl] => /forums/tvshow/Once-Upon-a-Time/Feedback/Show-Corrections.html
[encodedforumname] => Show Corrections
[1] => Array
[0] => 65707
[forumid] => 65707
[1] => 65705
[forumparentid] => 65705
[2] => 119
[id] => 119
[3] => Episode Corrections
[forumname] => Episode Corrections
[4] => 2
[forumdisplayorder] => 2
[5] => Find some thing that is not correct in Once Upon a Time episode name, episode synposis or any thing else related to the the episodes? Let us know and we will fix that immediately!
[forumdescription] => Find some thing that is not correct in Once Upon a Time episode name, episode synposis or any thing else related to the the episodes? Let us know and we will fix that immediately!
[6] => 0
[forumtotaltopics] => 0
[7] => 0
[forumtotalreplies] => 0
[8] => SHOW
[forumtype] => SHOW
[9] => ACTIVE
[status] => ACTIVE
[forumurl] => /forums/tvshow/Once-Upon-a-Time/Feedback/Episode-Corrections.html
[encodedforumname] => Episode Corrections
[2] => Array
[0] => 65708
[forumid] => 65708
[1] => 65705
[forumparentid] => 65705
[2] => 119
[id] => 119
[3] => Announcements
[forumname] => Announcements
[4] => 3
[forumdisplayorder] => 3
[5] => All Announcements Regarding Once Upon a Time will be posted here!
[forumdescription] => All Announcements Regarding Once Upon a Time will be posted here!
[6] => 0
[forumtotaltopics] => 0
[7] => 0
[forumtotalreplies] => 0
[8] => SHOW
[forumtype] => SHOW
[9] => ACTIVE
[status] => ACTIVE
[forumurl] => /forums/tvshow/Once-Upon-a-Time/Feedback/Announcements.html
[encodedforumname] => Announcements