When Happiness Dies

When Happiness Dies
A Canorous Quintet lyrics, A Canorous Quintet When Happiness Dies lyrics, When Happiness Dies lyrics,As Tears album
Background Information
Release Date
March 01, 1995
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 4
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A Canorous Quintet lyrics, A Canorous Quintet When Happiness Dies lyrics, When Happiness Dies lyrics,As Tears album
Browse More Of A Canorous Quintet

When Happiness Dies is a song written by N/A for the singer A Canorous Quintet of the album As Tears. This album was released in March 01, 1995 by Chaos Records. This song is the 3 of the total 4 tracks in the album.

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When Happiness Dies Lyrics

Behind the thorns which grows, spiring though beauty is dying. A cry for help. Something to grab life with, when happiness dies. Close the door, shut out the pain in the dark. But temptation is to irresistible, you know when the hounds are running closer. Spirit, lead for me. My sorrow is to hard to conceal. The pain grows from within, surrounds me with cold. I'm freezing as happiness dies. My world reaches destruction. Left so cold and dark. The eternal flower has withered, and soon also the stem. I close my eyes, there's nothing left (for me) to see. The emptiness feels smaller now. I reach out to you, but you are not there. Since you left me, nothing is....

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