And My Name's Dignan, So What

And My Name's Dignan, So What
A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair And My Name's Dignan, So What lyrics, And My Name's Dignan, So What lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
Background Information
Release Date
May 03, 2005
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 14
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A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair And My Name's Dignan, So What lyrics, And My Name's Dignan, So What lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
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And My Name's Dignan, So What is a song written by N/A for the singer A Day At The Fair of the album The Rocking Chair Years. This album was released in May 03, 2005 by Rushmore Productions . This song is the 3 of the total 14 tracks in the album.

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And My Name's Dignan, So What Lyrics

I know it's where we had to end, The torch we doused, we lit again, The flame of our reflection kept us holding on from far away, The dreams we had, the love we made, The times we drank ourselves asleep to wake up to what we believe, In what we have and what we need, We'll wonder how good it can get, (Much better than this) I'm in the good life now, I see myself, Smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how, I'm in the good life now, All by myself, Getting better with every regret I allow, I guess it's where the time begins, When you get drunk and call again, And I can't sit here listening to how bad you want to pave the way, To drink yourself like Hemingway, So you can make a memory from the things you never turned into, In every girl that I'll go through, They'll wonder how good it can get, (Much better than this) I'm in the good life now, I see myself, Smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how, I'm in the good life now, All by myself, Getting better with every regret I allow, I hear from your friends your still alive, I guess I wasted those wishes on nothing, I'm in the good life now, I see myself, Smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how, I'm in the good life now, All by myself, Getting better with every regret I allow, I'm in the good life now, I see myself, Smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how, I'm in the good life now, All by myself, Getting better with every regret I allow.

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