Eastern Homes And Western Hearts

Eastern Homes And Western Hearts
A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair Eastern Homes And Western Hearts lyrics, Eastern Homes And Western Hearts lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
Background Information
Release Date
May 03, 2005
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 14
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A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair Eastern Homes And Western Hearts lyrics, Eastern Homes And Western Hearts lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
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Eastern Homes And Western Hearts is a song written by N/A for the singer A Day At The Fair of the album The Rocking Chair Years. This album was released in May 03, 2005 by Rushmore Productions . This song is the 6 of the total 14 tracks in the album.

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Eastern Homes And Western Hearts Lyrics

I'm finding home I'm finding my heart, my head, the reason's why I left But this is for dreaming, this is for leaving, this is you picking up the pieces when I'm gone, this is to drinking, this is to living, this is to packing all my shit and moving on, I'm moving on I've been dreaming of lying down naked next to you, under stars on a blanket under the Los Angeles moon, as we sit with our thoughts and watch the planes fly by, it's nights like this that I'll look at you, and know I feel alive My western home, my eastern heart, the middle is my home And I don't mind, setting these traps for you, to fall into because, I will be there, when you need to be rescued, I'll rescue, I will rescue you ...

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