Everything I've Ever Wanted

Everything I've Ever Wanted
A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair Everything I've Ever Wanted lyrics, Everything I've Ever Wanted lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
Background Information
Release Date
May 03, 2005
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 14
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A Day At The Fair lyrics, A Day At The Fair Everything I've Ever Wanted lyrics, Everything I've Ever Wanted lyrics,The Rocking Chair Years album
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Everything I've Ever Wanted is a song written by N/A for the singer A Day At The Fair of the album The Rocking Chair Years. This album was released in May 03, 2005 by Rushmore Productions . This song is the 13 of the total 14 tracks in the album.

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Everything I've Ever Wanted Lyrics

Well I've seen that giving up, It has given back to me, And what's left is strong and true, And I built it next to you, I've waited, I've failed, and I've wanted, Now I've got it, And I hold my hand to touch the skyline, I awake from sleeping, This wide-eyed dreaming, Was always there for me, Now I wait these reasons, With changing seasons, You were there for me, And I'm making up my time (And I'm making up my time) Through time zones and city lines, And these days are long but new, And I share them next to you, The postcards and mail that needs sending, I'm forgetting to send them at all, When I die they will follow you home, I awake from sleeping, This wide-eyed dreaming, Was always enough for me, Now I break these reasons, Through changing seasons, You were there for me, Now I'm given the chance that I want, I will do it and I'll do it well, And for those who have stood by my side, You are the story I tell, This is everything I want, This is everything I need, This is everything I want, This is everything I need, Well I awake from sleeping, This wide-eyed dreaming, You were there for me, Now I break this reason, Through changing seasons, You were there for me, You were always there for me

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