If Looks Could Kill

If Looks Could Kill
A Day To Remember lyrics, A Day To Remember If Looks Could Kill lyrics, If Looks Could Kill lyrics,And Their Name Was Treason album
Background Information
Release Date
May 10, 2005
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 10
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A Day To Remember lyrics, A Day To Remember If Looks Could Kill lyrics, If Looks Could Kill lyrics,And Their Name Was Treason album
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If Looks Could Kill is a song written by N/A for the singer A Day To Remember of the album And Their Name Was Treason. This album was released in May 10, 2005 by Indianola Records.. This song is the 7 of the total 10 tracks in the album.

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If Looks Could Kill Lyrics

Something's wrong and it's not me for once, and I know you'll call me crazy… but I hate the way you look straight through me. What have I don't that's so wrong? Remember me when I'm so far from your reach, and then you'll know you had your chance. Take one more glance, and that's the end of our romance. You've turned your back on me for the last time. Remember when we use to be friends? Nothing could ever go wrong, or so we thought, but I guess you've changed a lot since we were young. Times will change, and there's nothing I can say to right all of your wrongs. Just grow up, and pray we'll keep in touch. You've turned your back on me for the last time. I still dream of the day that I watched you choke. They'll act like I'm so crazy when they find you dead on my floor. Right now. I'd say something went wrong in our lives, and I pray that god saves us before we die. He's everything that you could never be. Right now. I'd say something went wrong in our lives, and I pray that god saves us before we die. Slowly die.

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