Forgive Nothing is a song written by N/A for the singer A Faith Called Chaos of the album Forgive Nothing. This song is the 4 of the total 10 tracks in the album.
Sitting on the window pane She sings, “salt and sea bring him home to me” Where are you my love? And when the time runs out Thirty years from now Who will be the one left to sing For you. Who will keep the lights on? For you. The only songs I know Dear my lover This halogen bulb knows That the glow of a porch light Welcomes the sailor home Out side the sky waxes red With the street lights up ahead Blink in and out of sync with his soul Again tonight Somewhere tonight There is some one begging to God to keep hope alive And there’ me There is someone tonight whose had to bury their’ child She is still awake Oh quietly come oh quietly sit and be with me Keep this years port wine close so it won’t eclipse These shores Life’s a war that gives us hope But even that promise won’t bring me home. It won’t bring me home. Forgive nothing. ...