Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy)

Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy)
A Global Threat lyrics, A Global Threat Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) lyrics, Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) lyrics,Here We Are album
Background Information
Release Date
April 16, 2002
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 13
Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) Review Score's
A Global Threat lyrics, A Global Threat Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) lyrics, Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) lyrics,Here We Are album
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Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) is a song written by N/A for the singer A Global Threat of the album Here We Are.

Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) Reviews Score

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Bury Your Parents (Mommy, Daddy) Lyrics

cocktail stains on your G.Q. slacks you'll show you're clever go blow some lingo out your ass libido takes over all the shit you learned in school techno bass beats in your brain all thoughts turn to drool mommy, daddy, look at me you decided what i'm going to be i'll pull together and slip through the cracks 'cause we all know grads are the last to get sacked so i bought a pill that brings the joys of unconscious girls and no conscience boys impress them first with my expensive toys they come and go on their corduroys mommy, daddy, will you help me? do I need psychotherapy? am I worth the money spent? or did I break your bank on the rules I bent? mommy, daddy, will you help me? mommy, daddy, i'm out of money mommy, daddy, don't know where it went mommy, daddy, pay my rent ...

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