No More Excuses is a song written by Paul Butler / Aaron Fletcher / Tim Parkin for the singer A Band Of Bees of the album Every Step's a Yes. This album was released in October 11, 2010 by ATO / Fiction Records. This song is the 4 of the total 16 tracks in the album.
Every now and then when you find a friend Who can tell your life to you become a combination of one Patience is a double edged sword There's no regret in the power of now, orginially it seemed so impossible Oh yes, you've said them all there's no more excuses to use So why would you tell them for, are you feeling the blues or unsure? Make your own wisdom with the look in your eye Our land is a kingdom with a sea and a sky in harmony so endlessly pure Nature is a wonderful thing incredibly all the voices sing It's the stamina that captures the soul Oh yes, you've said them all there's no more excuses to use So why would you tell them for, are you feeling the blues or unsure?