Tired of Loving is a song written by Kris Birkin / Paul Butler / Aaron Fletcher / Tim Parkin for the singer A Band Of Bees of the album Every Step's a Yes. This album was released in October 11, 2010 by ATO / Fiction Records. This song is the 5 of the total 16 tracks in the album.
Halfmoon under my eyes orangey red Well I think I'm so tired Consume there's a hand on my face The papers in place Well, I think I'm so tired of loving you Hey Jean, what do you mean? You're just like a tease, you're as bad as a liar Please leave I know what I've seen And everyone agrees there's no life in this fire It's made me so tired of loving you Where do you go when you love your dreams And the day's just a breeze that takes your kite higher? Well you know some problems don't go But you'll never show if you burn with desire If you burn with desire of loving you