Strangeland is a song written by N/A for the singer A Canorous Quintet of the album The Quintessence (Disc 2). This album was released in July 09, 2013 by Chaos Records. This song is the 16 of the total 16 tracks in the album.
And as I reach my hand out for the smiling moon, which reflects our sanity, our journey begins to the other world. We see the image of someone we know. Our thoughts projects visions of insanity that lies in our subconcious. We're in the dreamland as we know, or is it the journey of our souls. Despair and happiness, joy and sorrow, we discover in the strangeland we all have inside of us. A window to another world opens as we close our eyes and fly away. But as the window close, our visions seems gone with the wind. Maybe never to be seen again. I open my eyes and say goodbye. As my memories pass away with the light of day.