Soda Pop is a song
written by Mikey Bassie / Eric Foster White
for the singer Britney Spears of the album Baby One More Time.
This album was released in January 12, 1999 by Jive Records.
This song is the 4 of the total 11 tracks in the album.
Baby One More Time album has grossed $25,000,000 worldwide and $10,600,000 only in the US.
Like the great poets Homer, Agamemnon or even Zeus We takin' a vibical expedition This pop ditty we choose So be calm, don't ring the alarm, you see 'Cause we go on and on Come, come, come, follow me Britney CHORUS Open a soda pop Watch it fizz and pop The clock is tickin' and we can't stop Open a soda pop Bop-shi-bop-shi-bop The clock is tickin' and we can't stop We're monster riding to the music tonight A clever way to get by The pop-speak flowing like it's fire and ice So give it a little bly, so... CHORUS We have a plan, we have a definite plan To level the vibes again Way overdue for a superlative slam A wicked time to the end, so... CHORUS So much pop, we losing Sitting, watching the clock Turn the temp up, baby Let's go over the top No one else will do, I'm waiting for you So show me what you got, just take a pop shot And we will never stop Shi-bop-shi-bop Jooks we neatly like we've never before Dubbin' it 'til we drop We'll flex tonight until they break down the door The party will never stop, so... CHORUS I bet we can party like we never party before And we keep comin' back for more and more for sure Just bubble we Britney when we get on the floor, yeah And we go on and on until the break of dawn CHORUS ...