Say Hello Say Goodbye

Say Hello Say Goodbye
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
Background Information
Release Date
June 01, 1977
Running Time
Track #
N/A of 9
Say Hello Say Goodbye Review Score's
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album

Say Hello Say Goodbye is a song written by N/A for the singer Bryan Adams of the album Sweeney Todd. This album was released in June 01, 1977 by Receiver Records Limited.

Say Hello Say Goodbye Reviews Score

Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
Bryan Adams lyrics, Bryan Adams Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics, Say Hello Say Goodbye lyrics,Sweeney Todd album
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Say Hello Say Goodbye Lyrics

The costumes, the scenery that make up the props The audience that lifts you when you’re down The headaches, the heartaches, the packing, the flops The sheriff who escorts you out of town There’s no business like show business There’s no business I know Everything about it is appealing Everything the traffic will allow Knowing that you get that happy feeling When you’re taking that extra bow There’s no business like show business There’s no business I know Everything about it is appealing Everything the traffic will allow Knowing that you get that happy feeling When you’re taking that extra bow Say hello say goodbye Good to see you’re glad to rock and roll you Say hello say goodbye You’re the ones that really stole the show yeah Split your spats as you’re gone thru the band It’s good to move, to groove to you tonight Tip your hat, to the boys in the band Sorry but it’s time to end this show yeah ...

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