The Lord of War and Thunder

The Lord of War and Thunder
The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
Background Information
Episode Name:
The Lord of War and Thunder
Air Date:
April 13, 2010
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
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The Lord of War and Thunder is a episode from the tv show Justified. This episode was aired on April 13, 2010. This episode is the 5th of the total 78 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

The Lord of War and Thunder Reviews Score

The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
The Lord of War and Thunder episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,Guy Walks Into a Bar episode synopsis,Trust episode synopsis,Long in the Tooth episode synopsis,Debts and Accounts episode synopsis,The Hatchet Tour episode synopsis
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The Lord of War and Thunder Synopsis

Raylan's aunt calls him to tell him Arlo is in jail. Raylan reluctantly goes to Harlan, where his aunt says Raylan needs to bail out his father. Raylan is wary about getting too involved with his father, who as revealed during the episode made Raylan live in fear growing up and who was constantly involved in some sort of scheme. Arlo in part blames his behavior on his own father, who was a religious man who created a house of fear. Raylan eventually discovers that Arlo planned to use his own son as a shield from runners of "hillbilly heroin" Oxycontin, who Arlo stole from earlier in the episode. Arlo's plan worked, as Raylan finds Oxy at the drug runner's house (planted by Arlo's wife, Raylan's aunt) and threatens the Oxy runners with jail if they go after his step-mom (former aunt) and Arlo again. Raylan doesn't even bother asking Arlo where the stolen Oxy or money is because he knows Arlo will not tell him.

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