Summoning Songs

Full Name: Summoning
Born: N/A
Birth Place: N/A, N/A
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Summoning Songs

1. Soul Wandering. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
2. Lugburz. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
3. Passing Of The Grey Company. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
4. Morthond. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
5. Marching Homewards. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
6. Orthanc. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
7. Ungolianth. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
8. Dagor Bragollach. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
9. Through The Forest Of Dol Guldur. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
10. The Legend Of The Master-Ring. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
11. Dor Daedeloth. - from album Minas Morgul - Running Time: N/A
12. Ungbands Schmieden. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
13. Nightshade Forests. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
14. Elfstone. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
15. Khazad Dum. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
16. Kor. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
17. Wyrmvater Glaurung. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
18. Unto A Long Glory.... - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
19. Over Old Hills. - from album Dol Guldur - Running Time: N/A
20. Mirkwood. - from album Nightshade Forests - Running Time: N/A
21. Flesh And Blood. - from album Nightshade Forests - Running Time: N/A
22. Kortirion Among The Trees. - from album Nightshade Forests - Running Time: N/A
23. Habbanan Beneath The Stars. - from album Nightshade Forests - Running Time: N/A
24. Rhun. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
25. Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
26. The Glory Disappears. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
27. Like Some Snow-White Marble Eyes. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
28. Where Hope And Daylight Die. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
29. The Rotting Horse On The Deadly Ground. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
30. The Shadow Lies Frozen On The Hills. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
31. The Loud Music Of The Sky. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
32. A Distant Flame Before The Sun. - from album Stronghold - Running Time: N/A
33. A Raw Power Is Rising. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
34. South Away. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
35. In Hollow Halls Beneath The Fells. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
36. Our Foes Shall Fall. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
37. The Mountain King's Return. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
38. Runes Of Power. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
39. Ashen Gold. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A
40. Farewell. - from album Let The Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame - Running Time: N/A

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