The Wire Photo Albums

The Wire photos,The Target ,The Detail ,The Buys ,Old Cases ,The Pager ,The Wire ,One Arrest ,Lessons ,Game Day ,The Cost ,The Hunt ,Cleaning Up ,Sentencing ,Ebb Tide ,Collateral Damage ,Hot Shots ,Hard Cases ,Undertow ,All Prologue ,Backwash ,Duck and Cover ,Stray Rounds ,Storm Warnings ,Bad Dreams ,Port in a Storm ,Time After Time ,All Due Respect ,Dead Soldiers ,Hamsterdam ,Straight and True ,Homecoming ,Back Burners ,Moral Midgetry ,Slapstick ,Reformation ,Middle Ground ,Mission Accomplished ,Boys of Summer ,Soft Eyes ,Home Room ,Refugees ,Alliances ,Margin of Error ,Unto Others ,Corner Boys ,Know Your Place ,Misgivings ,A New Day ,That's Got His Own ,Final Grades ,More with Less ,Unconfirmed Reports ,Not for Attribution ,Transitions ,React Quotes ,The Dickensian Aspect ,Took ,Clarifications ,Late Editions ,-30-
Background Information
Show Name: The Wire
Running Dates:
Total Seasons: 5
Total Episodes: 60
Official Website: Click Here
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The first season of The Wire (2002) concentrated on the often-futile efforts of police to infiltrate a West Baltimore drug ring headed by Avon Barksdale and his lieutenant, Stringer Bell. In Seasons Two and Three, as the Barksdale investigation escalated, new storylines involving pressures on the working class and the city's political leadership were introduced. Season Four focused on the stories of several young boys in the public school system, struggling with problems at home and the lure of the corner - set against the rise of a new drug empire in West Baltimore and a new Mayor in City Hall. The fifth and final season of The Wire centers on the media's role in addressing - or failing to address - the fundamental political, economic and social realities depicted over the course of the series, while also resolving storylines of the numerous characters woven throughout the narrative arc of the show.


The Wire Photo Albums   The Wire photos,The Target ,The Detail ,The Buys ,Old Cases ,The Pager ,The Wire ,One Arrest ,Lessons ,Game Day ,The Cost ,The Hunt ,Cleaning Up ,Sentencing ,Ebb Tide ,Collateral Damage ,Hot Shots ,Hard Cases ,Undertow ,All Prologue ,Backwash ,Duck and Cover ,Stray Rounds ,Storm Warnings ,Bad Dreams ,Port in a Storm ,Time After Time ,All Due Respect ,Dead Soldiers ,Hamsterdam ,Straight and True ,Homecoming ,Back Burners ,Moral Midgetry ,Slapstick ,Reformation ,Middle Ground ,Mission Accomplished ,Boys of Summer ,Soft Eyes ,Home Room ,Refugees ,Alliances ,Margin of Error ,Unto Others ,Corner Boys ,Know Your Place ,Misgivings ,A New Day ,That's Got His Own ,Final Grades ,More with Less ,Unconfirmed Reports ,Not for Attribution ,Transitions ,React Quotes ,The Dickensian Aspect ,Took ,Clarifications ,Late Editions ,-30-

  Displaying Photo Albums of The Wire
The Wire photos,The Target ,The Detail ,The Buys ,Old Cases ,The Pager ,The Wire ,One Arrest ,Lessons ,Game Day ,The Cost ,The Hunt ,Cleaning Up ,Sentencing ,Ebb Tide ,Collateral Damage ,Hot Shots ,Hard Cases ,Undertow ,All Prologue ,Backwash ,Duck and Cover ,Stray Rounds ,Storm Warnings ,Bad Dreams ,Port in a Storm ,Time After Time ,All Due Respect ,Dead Soldiers ,Hamsterdam ,Straight and True ,Homecoming ,Back Burners ,Moral Midgetry ,Slapstick ,Reformation ,Middle Ground ,Mission Accomplished ,Boys of Summer ,Soft Eyes ,Home Room ,Refugees ,Alliances ,Margin of Error ,Unto Others ,Corner Boys ,Know Your Place ,Misgivings ,A New Day ,That's Got His Own ,Final Grades ,More with Less ,Unconfirmed Reports ,Not for Attribution ,Transitions ,React Quotes ,The Dickensian Aspect ,Took ,Clarifications ,Late Editions ,-30-
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