Midnight City

Midnight City
Midnight City episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Midnight City
Air Date:
January 28, 2015
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Midnight City Review Score's
Midnight City episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Midnight City is a episode from the tv show Arrow. This episode was aired on January 28, 2015. This episode is the 11th of the total 167 episodes in the 3rd season of this show.

Midnight City Reviews Score

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Midnight City Synopsis

Arsenal and Diggle confront Laurel about trying to step into her sister's shoes and warn her to stop before she gets herself killed. However, when Brick kidnaps the city's Aldermen and threatens to kill them all unless the police evacuate The Glades, it's all suits on deck. Meanwhile, Ray steps in to help Lance and the police force fight Brick, showing Felicity a new side of her boss. Malcom tells Thea that Ra's al Ghul is after him and his family and they must leave town immediately.

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