Rhymes with Shout

Rhymes with Shout
Rhymes with Shout episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Rhymes with Shout
Air Date:
November 26, 2013
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Rhymes with Shout Review Score's
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Browse More Of Chicago Fire
Rhymes with Shout is a episode from the tv show Chicago Fire. This episode was aired on November 26, 2013. This episode is the 8th of the total 166 episodes in the 2nd season of this show.

Rhymes with Shout Reviews Score

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Rhymes with Shout Synopsis

When the shooting of a young girl happens in their neighborhood, Cruz and his brother, Leon are forced to think about the gang they have tried to escape. The battle between Chief Boden and McLeod continues to escalate and Isabella convinces Mills to dress up for a fancy gala. Meanwhile, Lt. Casey is sad Dawson won't be coming by as much now that his parental duties are over, Shay is fed up with the firehouse and digs in deeper with Devon and Zoya's visa is expiring, prompting her to come up with an idea.

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