Every Silver Lining...

Every Silver Lining...
Every Silver Lining... episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Every Silver Lining...
Air Date:
July 07, 2013
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Every Silver Lining... Review Score's
Every Silver Lining... episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Browse More Of Dexter
Every Silver Lining... is a episode from the tv show Dexter. This episode was aired on July 07, 2013. This episode is the 2nd of the total 96 episodes in the 8th season of this show.

Every Silver Lining... Reviews Score

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Every Silver Lining... Synopsis

Dr. Vogel shows Dexter some video she shot when his father Harry visited her for help in treating him. Dexter was only 10 years old when Harry first visited her and she takes more than just a little of the credit for what Dexter calls Harry's code: that he would only kill bad people. Vogel says she did it because she cared for him. Having saved his life, she now wants to call in a favor: she thinks the man who recently sliced open someone's brain and left the body on the beach is one of her former patients. She wants Dexter to do what she and Harry taught him to do. ...

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