If Only You Were Lonely

If Only You Were Lonely
If Only You Were Lonely episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
If Only You Were Lonely
Air Date:
February 23, 2012
Directed By:
Story Writer:
If Only You Were Lonely Review Score's
If Only You Were Lonely episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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If Only You Were Lonely is a episode from the tv show Grey's Anatomy. This episode was aired on February 23, 2012. This episode is the 16th of the total 348 episodes in the 8th season of this show.

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If Only You Were Lonely Synopsis

As Adele's condition continues to deteriorate, Richard considers altering their living situation; an explosion at a local coffee shop results in a busy day in the ER for the doctors; Callie takes Meredith under her wing by helping her study for her boards; Lexie joins Arizona and Alex in peds, as they continue to care for intern Morgan's premature son; and when Jackson snaps at a patient, Mark encourages him to find ways to relieve his stress. Meanwhile, Cristina lets her suspicions get the best of her.

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