Looking for Now

Looking for Now
Looking for Now episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Looking for Now
Air Date:
January 19, 2014
Directed By:
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Looking for Now is a episode from the tv show Looking. This episode was aired on January 19, 2014. This episode is the 1st of the total 18 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

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Looking for Now Synopsis

After a park-cruising experiment is derailed by a phone call, 29-year-old video-game designer Patrick meets up with his best friends, roommate Agustín, 31, and Dom, 39, to discuss the impending wedding of his ex. The next morning, Agustín agrees to move in with his boyfriend, Frank, in Oakland, though he wonders if domesticating is the right move. Dom, who's been a waiter at the same restaurant for years, tells his roommate, Doris, that he's thinking of reconnecting with old flame Ethan, who has a successful real-estate career. Later, Patrick meets up with OkCupid date Benjamin ; after the date goes south, Patrick is chatted up on the Muni by Richie, a cute barber who also works the door at a Latin drag club in the Mission.

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