Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Fight or Flight
Air Date:
February 18, 2015
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Fight or Flight Review Score's
Fight or Flight episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Fight or Flight is a episode from the tv show Modern Family. This episode was aired on February 18, 2015. This episode is the 15th of the total 238 episodes in the 6th season of this show.

Fight or Flight Reviews Score

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Fight or Flight Synopsis

After a long reunion weekend with Phil's old cheer buddies, Claire jumps at the chance to snag the only first class seat left on the return flight home leaving Phil in coach and both have completely opposite experiences. Meanwhile, Gloria forces Jay to teach Manny how to defend himself against a bully in his cooking class, but when things backfire it seems that the real bully might be someone else. Mitch, Cameron, Pepper and the whole gang throw Sal a belated baby shower and they are all blown away by how motherhood has changed her, or has it really?.

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