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StarDate: Unknown
Sisko, Odo, Dax, and Garak are found unconscious in their Runabout.
While Bashir attempts to revive their bodies in the present, Sisko
and the others wake up on Terok Nor the station's previous name
during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor.
They look normal to
each other, but everyone else sees them as Bajorans. Odo, who was
once Terok Nor's Chief of Security, seems particularly agitated and
anxious. They spot Odo's predecessor, Thrax, which indicates that
they have gone back in time at least nine years. Two soldiers then haul away Dax.
While Dax learns she has been selected to be Dukat's "friend,"
Garak scans the group to determine their identities. Sisko is a
Bajoran named Ishan Chaye. Garak is Jillur Gueta. He then scans
Odo, who supplies his own name Timor Landi. Odo awkwardly
explains that Timor, Ishan, and Jillur were falsely accused of
trying to assassinate Gul Dukat on the Promenade and werepublicly executed there.
They realize that this is actually seven years ago, and Odo had
taken over for Thrax as Security Chief. Since they must get off the
station before their pending execution, Sisko contacts the Bajoran
Resistance. However, the attempt on Dukat's life occurs before they
leave, and Sisko, Odo, and Garak are arrested.
In a cell, Odo tries to convince Thrax to investigate further, but
he refuses. Dax escapes from Dukat, frees her friends and leads
them toward Dukat's shuttle. Thrax blocks their path and a fight
ensues where he is revealed to be a Changeling. the group moves on
toward the airlock, but as they enter, they suddenly find
themselves back in the cell, where a soldier tells them they will
be executed in two hours.
Sisko realizes everything leads back to Odo. Thrax and Odo appear
on the Promenade, watching as Sisko, Dax, and Garak are about to
executed. Odo exclaims that he won't let this happen again. The
scene changes, leaving Odo alone with his friends. Further down
the Promenade, they see the execution, with Odo wearing Thrax's
uniform looking dispassionately. A horrified Odo admits that he
not Thrax allowed the innocent Bajorans to die. Odo then wakes
up in Deep Space Nine's Infirmary. Bashir tells him that a plasma
storm the Runabout encountered caused Odo's mind to lock his
friends into a version of the Great Link. Odo realizes that his
guilt forced him to relive the incident and face his failure.
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