Home Soil

Home Soil
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Background Information
Episode Name:
Home Soil
Air Date:
May 11, 2027
Directed By:
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Home Soil is a episode from the tv show Startrek The Next Generation. This episode was aired on May 11, 2027. This episode is the 18th of the total 200 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

Home Soil Reviews Score

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Home Soil Synopsis

StarDate: 41463.9

At the Federation's request, a U.S.S. Enterprise away team visits Velara III where a group of terraformers are working to transform the seemingly desolate planet into one capable of supporting life.

Tragically, a terraformer engineer is killed during their visit in a bizarre hydraulic room accident.

While investigating the mishap, Data is inexplicably attacked by the laser drilling system. He escapes injury, but upon further exploration, Data and Geordi find a microscopic inorganic life form that seems to be trying to communicate with them. They take the life form, or "microbrain" as they refer to it, back to the U.S.S. Enterprise where it begins to reproduce and project an energy force that compels Dr. Crusher to activate a quarantine seal around the medical lab.

Soon, the crew learns from the microbrain that some of its members were killed during the terraformer's drilling on the planet's surface, and that its attempts to contact the humans were ignored. As a result, they murdered the engineer in the hydraulic room and have declared war on the human race.

To save the U.S.S. Enterprise, Picard attempts to beam the life form back to Velara III. But the microbrain's power is too strong. Just when its energy projections threaten to destroy the ship, the crew discovers that the microbrain feeds off light. By shutting off the lights in the lab, they force the microbrain to surrender and are able to beam it back home.

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