Revenge of the Rogues

Revenge of the Rogues
Revenge of the Rogues episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Revenge of the Rogues
Air Date:
January 20, 2015
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Revenge of the Rogues Review Score's
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Browse More Of The Flash
Revenge of the Rogues is a episode from the tv show The Flash. This episode was aired on January 20, 2015. This episode is the 10th of the total 123 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

Revenge of the Rogues Reviews Score

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Revenge of the Rogues Synopsis

Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold returns to Central City with a new hotheaded partner in tow - Mick Rory AKA Heat Wave. The duo plan to steal a multi-million dollar painting, but Cold has another agenda while in town - to set a trap for The Flash. Snart and Mick kidnap someone close to The Flash and threaten to kill them unless The Flash shows up for a battle of fire and ice. Barry tells Joe he isn't sure he should take on Snart again after the casualties that happened the last time they fought. Meanwhile, Barry asks Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco to help him double his training efforts so he's ready for the Reverse Flash when he returns to Central City. Iris deals with the aftermath of Barry's confession, and Cisco makes the CCPD a new shield.

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