Alone with Everybody

Alone with Everybody
Alone with Everybody episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Alone with Everybody
Air Date:
April 01, 2016
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Alone with Everybody Review Score's
Alone with Everybody episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Alone with Everybody is a episode from the tv show The Originals. This episode was aired on April 01, 2016. This episode is the 16th of the total 92 episodes in the 3rd season of this show.

Alone with Everybody Reviews Score

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Alone with Everybody Synopsis

When rumors begin to spread about the remaining white oak bullet, dangerous foes descend upon New Orleans in an attempt to take down Klaus once and for all. As the threats continue to grow, Elijah urges his siblings to lay low at the compound while Marcel, Vincent and Josh chase down a lead involving a mysterious vampire named Sofya, who may have the answers they're looking for. Meanwhile, tensions inside the compound build as Kol is forced to come face to face with his brother Finn, the person responsible for his death. Elsewhere, Klaus and Hayley seek shelter with her former pack and stumble upon some unsettling news involving the threat against them.

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