Double, Double, Boy in Trouble

Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Double, Double, Boy in Trouble episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Air Date:
October 19, 2008
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Double, Double, Boy in Trouble Review Score's
Double, Double, Boy in Trouble episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Double, Double, Boy in Trouble is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on October 19, 2008. This episode is the 3rd of the total 667 episodes in the 20th season of this show.

Double, Double, Boy in Trouble Reviews Score

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Double, Double, Boy in Trouble Synopsis

When Lenny wins the lottery and invites the Simpson family to a celebratory party at a posh hotel, Bart meets his doppelganger, Simon Woosterfield, who happens to be a member of the richest family in Springfield. Simon and Bart decide to switch places, and Bart arrives at the lavish Woosterfield mansion only to find football great Joe Montana (guest-voicing as himself) hanging around the estate. As Simon adjusts to the simple life over at the Simpson household, Bart begins to notice his wealthy new siblings acting strangely toward him. With some frightening words of wisdom from Mr. Burns, Bart realizes his new siblings are plotting his demise so they can inherit the Woosterfield family fortune all for themselves. Lisa and Simon must reach Bart before he goes from riches to ditches.

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