Money Bart

Money Bart
Money Bart episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Money Bart
Air Date:
October 10, 2010
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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Money Bart is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on October 10, 2010. This episode is the 3rd of the total 667 episodes in the 22nd season of this show.

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Money Bart Synopsis

Visit by a Springfield Elementary alum-turned-Ivy-League student pushes Lisa to question her own go-getter attitude and reevaluate the scope of her extracurricular activities. Convinced that there is no such thing as having too many clubs or activities listed on her resume, Lisa jumps at the opportunity to coach Bart's little league team. Despite having little understanding of baseball, Lisa coaches the team to a record winning streak by putting her book smarts in statistics and probability into play. But when Bart questions Lisa's coaching tactics and confronts her for taking the fun out of baseball, Lisa benches him from the championship game. Hoping to lift his spirits, Marge spends the day with Bart at an amusement park where MLB manager and former catcher Mike Scioscia gives Bart sound advice and reminds him of his genuine love of the sport. Meanwhile, with one last chance to win the game, Lisa makes an unexpected call and learns that there is more to sports than winning.

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