Treehouse of Horror XVII

Treehouse of Horror XVII
Treehouse of Horror XVII episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Treehouse of Horror XVII
Air Date:
November 05, 2006
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Treehouse of Horror XVII Review Score's
Treehouse of Horror XVII episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Treehouse of Horror XVII is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on November 05, 2006. This episode is the 4th of the total 667 episodes in the 18th season of this show.

Treehouse of Horror XVII Reviews Score

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Treehouse of Horror XVII Synopsis

Hand out screams and scare up laughs in their annual, bone-chilling Halloween special. The horror starts in 'Married To The Blob,' when a meteor falls to Earth and reveals a green goo that Homer mistakes for a marshmallow. After Homer eats the goo, he turns into a rampaging blob with a never-ending appetite that even guest voice Dr. Phil McGraw can't stop. In 'You Gotta Know When To Golem,' the fright-fest continues when Bart brings Golem, guest voice Richard Lewis as a legendary monster from Jewish folklore, to life and forces him to carry out his ghastly bidding. But when the creature is finally freed of his evil-doing, Marge, Bart and Lisa create a female monster that captures Golem's heart. In the final scare, 'The Day the Earth Looked Stupid,' a fake radio broadcast convinces the residents of Springfield that they're in the midst of an alien invasion, throwing the town into a state of pandemonium ; which only worsens when the invasion stops being a hoax and becomes reality.

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