Handle with Care

Handle with Care
Handle with Care episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Handle with Care
Air Date:
November 07, 2013
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Handle with Care Review Score's
Handle with Care episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Browse More Of The Vampire Diaries
Handle with Care is a episode from the tv show The Vampire Diaries. This episode was aired on November 07, 2013. This episode is the 6th of the total 171 episodes in the 5th season of this show.

Handle with Care Reviews Score

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Handle with Care Synopsis

Silas happily announces his new goal to Damon and Elena, but they are skeptical when he promises to accomplish one important task in return for their help. Tessa confidently tells Stefan about her next move, then realizes that Silas has managed to outsmart her. A desperate Katherine discovers a new and unexpected consequence of becoming human again, and realizes she needs a new place to stay. In exchange for a spot in the dorm room, she offers to show Caroline how to get answers from Dr. Maxfield. Bonnie is touched by Jeremy's strength and determination to stand by her. Finally, Damon is stunned when he figures out the secret to Tessa's plan.

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