Orphan Black

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Background Information
Show Name: Orphan Black
Running Dates:
Total Seasons: 5
Total Episodes: 50
Official Website: Click Here
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Orphan Black is about Sarah, an outsider and orphan whose life changes dramatically after witnessing the suicide of a woman, "Beth", who looks just like her. Sarah takes her identity, her boyfriend and her money. But instead of solving her problems, the street-smart chameleon is thrust headlong into a kaleidoscopic mystery. She makes the dizzying discovery that she and the dead woman are clones... but are they the only ones? Sarah quickly finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy, racing to find answers.


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Orphan Black Cast & Crew
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Tatiana Maslany
• Veera "MK" Suominen
Orphan Black,summary,reviews,forums,photos,
Dylan Bruce
• Paul Dierden

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