
Background Information
Show Name: Tyrant
Running Dates:
Total Seasons: 3
Total Episodes: 32
Official Website: Click Here
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Tyrant is a drama that follows a typical American family whose members find themselves embroiled in the geopolitical intrigue of a volatile Middle Eastern country. Barry Al-Fayeed is a California pediatrician who also happens to be the second son of a Middle Eastern dictator. Barry reluctantly agrees to return home with his American family for his nephew's wedding. Events thrust him into the complex and turbulent growing pains of a nation straining to break free from dictatorial rule.


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Tyrant Cast & Crew
Alice Krige
• Amira Al-Fayeed
Fares Fares
• Fauzi Nadal
Sibylla Deen
• Nusrat Al-Fayeed
Salim Daw
• Yussef

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