Monkey in a Box

Monkey in a Box
Monkey in a Box episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Monkey in a Box
Air Date:
September 15, 2013
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Monkey in a Box Review Score's
Monkey in a Box episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Monkey in a Box is a episode from the tv show Dexter. This episode was aired on September 15, 2013. This episode is the 11th of the total 96 episodes in the 8th season of this show.

Monkey in a Box Reviews Score

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Monkey in a Box Synopsis

Still coming to terms with Dr. Vogel's death, Dexter wants to eliminate Oliver Saxon before he, Harrison and Hannah head off to South America. He also has a lot of personal items to tie up including selling his condo. Saxon shows up as a prospective buyer and offers Dexter a deal: they stop going after each other and go their own way. Dexter is non-committal and, having located his kill room, sets a trap for him. Meanwhile, U.S. Deputy Marshall Clayton is following Deb, certain that she will lead him to Hannah. Dexter is continuing to reevaluate his priorities and his...

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