White Out

White Out
White Out episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
White Out
Air Date:
October 05, 2014
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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White Out is a episode from the tv show Once Upon a Time. This episode was aired on October 05, 2014. This episode is the 2nd of the total 156 episodes in the 4th season of this show.

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White Out Synopsis

While desperately trying to find her sister Anna, Elsa is startled by Emma and accidentally traps them both inside an ice cave, with the frozen temperature placing Emma's life in peril. Regina, depressed over her likely breakup with Robin Hood, secludes herself away from the town and Henry, which saddens her son. And with the townspeople considering Mary Margaret their leader, she faces her first leadership task in trying to re-start a generator and restore the town's electricity after Elsa freezes and damages the power lines. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest of the past, Anna tries to teach a meek David to fight Bo Peep, a brutal warlord who is threatening to take his and his mother's farm away if they don't pay her price.

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