
Unearth episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Air Date:
March 16, 2014
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Unearth episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Unearth is a episode from the tv show Resurrection. This episode was aired on March 16, 2014. This episode is the 2nd of the total 21 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

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Unearth Synopsis

The Langstons, especially Sheriff Fred, are forced to confront secrets from their past they'd rather leave buried when Bellamy pushes to have Jacob's tomb exhumed. Maggie agrees to help Bellamy in his investigation, and Pastor Tom reaches out to Jacob, his childhood friend. The Richards family adjusts to Caleb's return, the second for Arcadia. But unlike Jacob, Caleb claims he has no memory of his death.

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