Sweet Baby

Sweet Baby
Sweet Baby episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Sweet Baby
Air Date:
April 05, 2012
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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Sweet Baby is a episode from the tv show Scandal. This episode was aired on April 05, 2012. This episode is the 1st of the total 124 episodes in the 1st season of this show.

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Sweet Baby Synopsis

In the series premiere, "Sweet Baby," young lawyer Quinn Perkins is offered a job with the crisis management firm Olivia Pope and Associates. Quinn is in awe. Olivia Pope is the former communications director to the President. She and her team of "gladiators in suites" will do whatever it takes to make their clients' problems go away, and newbie Quinn is initiated into the group with trial by fire on day one. Olivia's former boss, President Fitzgerald Grant and his chief of staff, Cyrus Beene are never far from her beat - and when a White House intern accuses the President of having an affair, Olivia is the only one they trust to diffuse the problem. But the news hits close to home for Olivia, and Quinn soon realizes Olivia's clients aren't the only ones with secrets.

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