Jus in Bello

Jus in Bello
Jus in Bello episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Jus in Bello
Air Date:
February 21, 2008
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Jus in Bello Review Score's
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Jus in Bello is a episode from the tv show Supernatural. This episode was aired on February 21, 2008. This episode is the 12th of the total 311 episodes in the 3rd season of this show.

Jus in Bello Reviews Score

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Jus in Bello Synopsis

Sam and Dean break into Bela's apartment in order to get the Colt back, but she has tipped off Agent Henricksen about their whereabouts and they are arrested. While Sam and Dean are locked in a cell in Colorado, a demon breaks in and kills some of the sheriff's men and possesses Henricksen. After the guys vanquish the demon, the FBI agent realizes they were telling the truth and prepares to release them, but Ruby shows up to a warn Sam and Dean that the jailhouse is surrounded by a band of demons with a powerful new leader who wants Sam dead.

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