Home Away from Homer

Home Away from Homer
Home Away from Homer episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Home Away from Homer
Air Date:
May 15, 2005
Directed By:
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Home Away from Homer is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on May 15, 2005. This episode is the 20th of the total 667 episodes in the 16th season of this show.

Home Away from Homer Reviews Score

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Home Away from Homer Synopsis

Financial trouble inspires Ned to rent his rumpus room to a pair of college-aged women, who end up running a soft-core webcam from the Flanders' home without their knowledge. When Ned becomes the laughingstock of Springfield and moves his family to their dream town, "Humble, PA - Home of the Humble Figurines," an unruly neighbor moves in, forcing Homer to beg for Flanders to return. Jason Bateman guest-stars as himself. Later, after Bart is falsely blamed and then expelled for a mishap at the school-sponsored Medieval festival, Fat Tony, guest-voiced by Joe Mantegna, suggests to Marge that he enroll in a private Catholic school. After a rough introduction with a nun on his first day, Bart meets and instantly likes an Eminem-quoting priest named Father Sean, guest-voiced by Neeson. Father Sean shows Bart the cooler parts of the religion through graphic stories and comic books. Bart's growing interest alarms his parents and ultimately drives Homer to visit the church. He, too, finds himself attracted to the religion after Father's offerings of beer, pancakes and games. It's up to Marge to bring her family back to their roots.

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