Total Eclipse of the Heart

Total Eclipse of the Heart
Total Eclipse of the Heart episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Air Date:
February 06, 2014
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Total Eclipse of the Heart Review Score's
Total Eclipse of the Heart episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Browse More Of The Vampire Diaries
Total Eclipse of the Heart is a episode from the tv show The Vampire Diaries. This episode was aired on February 06, 2014. This episode is the 13th of the total 171 episodes in the 5th season of this show.

Total Eclipse of the Heart Reviews Score

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Total Eclipse of the Heart Synopsis

Hoping to help everyone move past recent traumatic events, Caroline convinces Elena and Bonnie to attend Whitmore College's "Bitter Ball" for broken-hearted students. Bonnie is intrigued with a fellow student named Liv, who appears to be dabbling in witchcraft. Tyler starts to worry about Matt's relationship with Nadia. After making a disturbing discovery, Stefan has a frustrating conversation with Damon and Enzo. Dr. Wes struggles to continue his research project with help from a new benefactor named Sloan. Still bent on revenge, Damon and Enzo resort to violence to convince Bonnie and Jeremy to help them, but their plan takes an unexpected and horrifying turn.

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