Person of Interest

Person of Interest episodes synopsis,
Background Information
Show Name: Person of Interest
Running Dates:
Total Seasons: 5
Total Episodes: 103
Official Website: Click Here
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You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the Machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. People like you. Crimes the government considered "irrelevant". They wouldn't act so I decided I would. But I needed a partner. Someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.


Person of Interest Season 1 Episode Guide.

1 x 01.Pilot
1 x 02.Ghosts
1 x 03.Mission Creep
1 x 04.Cura Te Ipsum
1 x 05.Judgement
1 x 06.The Fix
1 x 07.Witness
1 x 08.Foe
1 x 09.Get Carter
1 x 10.Number Crunch
1 x 11.Super
1 x 12.Legacy
1 x 13.Root Cause
1 x 14.Wolf and Cub
1 x 15.Blue Code
1 x 16.Risk
1 x 17.Baby Blue
1 x 20.Matsya Nyaya
1 x 22.No Good Deed
1 x 23.Firewall

Person of Interest Season 2 Episode Guide.

2 x 02.Bad Code
2 x 03.Masquerade
2 x 04.Triggerman
2 x 05.Bury the Lede
2 x 06.The High Road
2 x 07.Critical
2 x 08.'Til Death
2 x 09.C.O.D.
2 x 10.Shadow Box
2 x 11.2Ï€R
2 x 14.One Percent
2 x 15.Booked Solid
2 x 16.Relevance
2 x 17.Proteus
2 x 18.All In
2 x 19.Trojan Horse
2 x 20.In Extremis
2 x 21.Zero Day
2 x 22.God Mode

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode Guide.

3 x 01.Liberty
3 x 03.Lady Killer
3 x 05.Razgovor
3 x 08.Endgame
3 x 09.The Crossing
3 x 11.Lethe
3 x 12.Aletheia
3 x 13.4C
3 x 14.Provenance
3 x 15.Last Call
3 x 16.RAM
3 x 17./
3 x 18.Allegiance
3 x 20.Death Benefit
3 x 21.Beta

Person of Interest Season 4 Episode Guide.

4 x 01.Panopticon
4 x 02.Nautilus
4 x 03.Wingman
4 x 04.Brotherhood
4 x 05.Prophets
4 x 06.Pretenders
4 x 10.The Cold War
4 x 11.If-Then-Else
4 x 13.M.I.A.
4 x 14.Guilty
4 x 15.Q&A
4 x 16.Blunt
4 x 17.Karma
4 x 18.Skip
4 x 21.Asylum
4 x 22.YHWH

Person of Interest Season 5 Episode Guide.

5 x 01.B.S.O.D.
5 x 02.SNAFU
5 x 03.Truth Be Told
5 x 04.6,741
5 x 05.ShotSeeker
5 x 07.QSO
5 x 08.Reassortment
5 x 09.Sotto Voce
5 x 11.Synecdoche
5 x 12..exe
5 x 13.return 0

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