Do Not Push

Do Not Push
Do Not Push episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Do Not Push
Air Date:
October 01, 2014
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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Do Not Push is a episode from the tv show Modern Family. This episode was aired on October 01, 2014. This episode is the 2nd of the total 238 episodes in the 6th season of this show.

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Do Not Push Synopsis

It's Jay and Gloria's anniversary and they can't seem to get on the same page on what kind of gift to give - sentimental or expensive? And, the Dunphys head to Caltech for Alex's college tour and while Claire is busy convincing her to choose this school and stay close to home, Phil, Luke and Haley branch off to participate in a psyche experiment. Mitch and Cam are taking a new family portrait with Lily to replace the old one above their mantel, but Lily gives some serious face.

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