Treehouse of Horror XVI

Treehouse of Horror XVI
Treehouse of Horror XVI episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Treehouse of Horror XVI
Air Date:
November 06, 2005
Directed By:
Story Writer:
Treehouse of Horror XVI Review Score's
Treehouse of Horror XVI episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
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Treehouse of Horror XVI is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on November 06, 2005. This episode is the 4th of the total 667 episodes in the 17th season of this show.

Treehouse of Horror XVI Reviews Score

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Treehouse of Horror XVI Synopsis

It's time for all-new tricks and devilish treats on THE SIMPSONS annual Halloween trilogy, -Treehouse Of Horror XVI.- The fright-fest begins in - B.I.: Bartificial Intelligence - when the Simpsons adopt David, a newly developed artificial robot son, to replace Bart after he falls into a coma. In - Survival of the Fattest,- Mr. Burns invites Homer and his friends to his gigantic estate for a hunting tournament, but Homer and the gang learn they are the ones being the hunted on -The World Series Of Manhunter- hosted by Bradshaw. In the final Halloween scare, -I've Grown a Costume on Your Face,- a costume contest goes awry when a real witch turns all the Springfieldians into real-life versions of their costumes, leaving Maggie dressed like a witch with the only real power to reverse the spell.

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