Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business
Whiskey Business episode synopsis,reviews,forums,photos,
Background Information
Episode Name:
Whiskey Business
Air Date:
May 05, 2013
Directed By:
Story Writer:
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Whiskey Business is a episode from the tv show The Simpsons. This episode was aired on May 05, 2013. This episode is the 19th of the total 667 episodes in the 24th season of this show.

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Whiskey Business Synopsis

Moe finds a new lease on life when rich venture capitalists take an interest in his homemade whiskey. Then, Grampa injures himself while babysitting Bart, and quickly discovers he prefers being cared for by his grandson than the staff at the nursing home. Also, Lisa takes exception to a "Tupac-at-Coachella"-style hologram of jazz legend Bleeding Gums Murphy and Sonny Rollins appears to ask her not to boycott the record label.

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